How can Ontario Employment Lawyer Help with Employee Issues at Work For employees experiencing an employment issue at work, the key step in properly responding to and protecting your rights is consulting an experienced employment lawyer. By explaining your employee work situation to an employment
What to Know in Ontario Employment Law – Options for Employees Experiencing Workplace Stress
Workplace Stress and Anxiety In the age of the COVID-19 pandemic, many employees are experiencing yet another source of stress, anxiety and depression, which only adds on top of the usual suspects: tight deadlines difficult projects or assignments finances family caregiving
How Can an Employment Lawyer Help Employees and Employers?
When Should I Hire an Employment Lawyer for Help? In Ontario, employment law is a constantly evolving - and complicated - area of the law. Even before the rise of the COVID-19 pandemic, there were various issues that required the help of an employment lawyer to help resolve workplace disputes
What You Should Know about Employment Contracts
Sources of Employment Law in Ontario Employment law is a complicated area of the law governed by a diverse set of legal rules found in a combination of statute, common law and contracts. Specifically, for provincially-regulated employees in Ontario, employment law rules are found in the
End of Employee Non-Competition Agreements in Ontario?
No More Employee Non-Competition Clauses in Ontario? Last month, the Ontario government introduced "Bill 27, Working for Workers Act, 2021." Among other things, the proposed law would amend the Employment Standards Act, 2000 ("ESA") to specifically prohibit employers from "entering into" an
Can Employers Terminate Employment for Not Complying with Mandatory Vaccination Policy?
Can an Employer's Vaccination Policy Result in Termination of Employment? There is an ongoing struggle in Ontario workplaces regarding how to handle the COVID-19 pandemic - can an employer force employees to take a COVID-19 vaccination as a term of their employment? This question hinges
Employment Contract Termination Clause Found Illegal – Severance Package Entitlement
Under Ontario employment law, an employee's relationship with their employer is governed by an employment contract. Although this is often found in a written document, usually it is through a simple verbal agreement. Among many other reasons, employment contracts are crucial for outlining each
An Employee’s Failure to Mitigate Can Reduce Severance Pay – Recent Court Decision
An Employee's Failure to Mitigate Reduces Severance Pay Once an employee's job is terminated, they are usually entitled to receive a financial severance package from their employer. Contrary to common misconceptions, severance pay is not intended to punish an employer for terminating the employee's