Ontario Termination of Employment for Just Cause In Ontario employment law, the courts often use exceptional words to describe the rare circumstances where an employer can lawfully terminate an employee's job on the spot - without prior notice or severance pay. This is called a termination for
No, You Do Not Have to Accept or Sign an Employer’s Severance Package Agreement. Here’s Why.
When an employe’s job is terminated, they are usually given documentation called a “termination package” (or “severance package”). This consists of a termination letter (confirming their employment is officially terminated), a severance pay offer, and a request for the employee to sign and provide
4 Rookie Mistakes Employees Make That You Should Stop ASAP
Signing that new employment contract or financial severance package may not be the best idea - especially if you have not had it reviewed by an experienced employment lawyer. Learning what exactly you should do as an employee faced with a wrongful dismissal of employment, or when presented with a
Ontario Vaccine Passports – What Employers and Employees Should Know
Proof of Vaccination - Government Response Across Canada, many provinces are implementing "vaccine passports" - in other words, government authentication proving the individual is fully vaccinate for COVID-19. This has led to a rapid increase in people vaccinating literally overnight. In Ontario,
What’s Old is New Again: Workplace Harassment Can Lead to Employee Constructive Dismissal
Under Ontario's employment law, an employee's job may be terminated "unofficially" or as many employment lawyers call it, a "constructive dismissal." There can be many forms of a constructive dismissal (as discussed below). However, in this article, we will discuss one form that unfortunately
Employers Firing Employees for Refusing COVID-19 Vaccine: Need to Provide Severance Pay?
Can Your Employer Require You to Take the COVID-19 Vaccine? Can You be Fired if You Refuse? Employers have an important say in the ongoing debate over COVID-19 vaccine mandates. In fact, some employers have already taken important precautionary measures in response to COVID-19, including
Impact of COVID-19 on Increasing Employee Severance Packages in Wrongful Dismissal Cases
In a few recent wrongful dismissal cases, courts across Ontario have increasingly found that an employee whose employment is terminated during the COVID-19 pandemic should be entitled to greater severance package. In other words, an employee who loses their job as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic
Can My Employer Force Me to Get a Covid-19 Vaccine or Risk Being Fired from My Job?
Can My Employer Discriminate Against Me on the Basis of "Vaccination"? Among many other things the COVID-19 pandemic has brought about, a current hot-button topic in Ontario employment law is whether an employer can legally force an employee to get a vaccine. In other words, is it legal for an