My Employer Gave Me a Termination Letter? Now What? In short, speak with an experienced employment lawyer to learn about your legal rights and options under Ontario's employment law when dealing with an employment termination. Being terminated from your employment (also known as a "dismissal"
How to Calculate Employee Severance Pay – Severance Pay Lawyer Toronto
In Ontario, once an employee is dismissed from their employment, they are usually entitled to payment from the employer called "severance pay." This is intended to provide a financial assistance for the employee to assist them as they transition to new employment (much like employment insurance
Ontario Workplace Requirements in New “Stay-at-Home” Orders
What Ontario's "Stay-at-Home" Order Means for Employers - What to Know This month, Ontario's government once again introduced a stay-at-home order as COVID-19 cases surge, as it seeks to press an "emergency break" on the pandemic. As a result, the entire province was placed on a "shutdown" zone
Termination of Employment for Just Cause – Here’s All You need to Know
What is Just Cause for Dismissal The courts in Canada have described just cause for dismissal as "capital punishment of employment law." Why? Because it is supposed to be an employer's last resort when disciplining an employee for misconduct. As a result, proving a termination for just cause is
My Employer Terminated My Job, and Gave Me a Severance Package. What Do I Do Next?
If your employer has given you a termination letter and severance package, it is important to only sign it after speaking with an experienced employment lawyer. As employment lawyers, the vast majority of severance packages we review offer employees compensation that is much less than what the
The Impact of Pregnancy on Termination of Employment
Pregnancy Entitles Employee to More Severance Pay in Termination of Employment When it comes to deciding an employee's rights in a termination of employment (wrongful dismissal) case in Ontario, the courts generally take into account the following "Bardal" factors to determine how much severance
New Tort of Internet Harassment in Ontario
Tort of Internet Harassment As employment lawyers, we regularly assist employees with workplace harassment issues. Broadly speaking, Ontario's Occupational Health and Safety Act ("OHSA") defines it as: "engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct against a worker in a workplace that is
Termination of Employment in Ontario – Employer Obligations to their Employees
An Employee's Duty of Good Faith and Honesty in Employment Contracts - Termination of Employment Employment contracts are just like any other form of legally binding agreements, which are intended to set out the parties' respective rights and obligations underpinning their relationship. But apart