I Got a New Employment Contract - What Should I Know? There is perhaps no more exciting time than being offered a new employment contract to go along with that new job offer. As an employment lawyer, I have often wondered why employees sign a new employment contract without reviewing the details
How Employment Lawyers Resolve Workplace Disputes – Learn Your Rights (Part 3)
Are you looking for the best employment lawyer to help with an employment dispute? Are wondering how employment lawyers in Toronto can help you resolve a workplace dispute? Well, in this 3-part blog, we cover the 15 most common workplace issues or disputes where it makes sense to speak with an
Is My Severance Package Fair?
How Do You Know if You Have a Fair Severance Package? Losing a job can be incredibly stressful and difficult. When an employee's job is terminated, there are many decisions that have to be made, such as whether you should sign an employer's severance package, and if you were even given a fair
What is a Termination for Just Cause in Ontario?
In Ontario, your employment may be terminated with or without just cause. In this blog article, we discuss a few general points to help educate readers on the basics of how (and under what circumstances) an employee's job can be terminated (i.e., brought to an end) by an employer. Specifically, the
Why Employees Should Get an Employment Contract Review by an Employment Lawyer
If You're an Ontario Employee, Here's Why You Should Get Your Employment Contract Review with an Employment Lawyer There is perhaps no more exciting time in one's life than when you are offered a new job, especially one that comes with a higher salary, greater benefits and is generally "step up" in
Terminating Your Employees: What Are Your Responsibilities as an Employer in Ontario?
Wrongful Termination Lawyer for Employers In the context of a myriad of issues affecting employees and employers - ranging from mandatory vaccination requirements, changing legal principles governing employment contracts and temporary layoffs - employment lawyers in Ontario play an indispensable
I Was Fired While on Maternity Leave. What Are My Options?
The Impact of Pregnancy or Maternity Leave on Employee Rights under Ontario Employment Law Even before the COVID-19 pandemic - which itself brought harmful effects on working women in the labour market - there was perhaps no issue more stressful and daunting than being fired while on a maternity
How Employment Lawyers Resolve Workplace Disputes – Learn Your Rights (Part 2)
Common Issues Employment Lawyers Can Help With Are you looking for the best employment lawyer to help with an employment dispute? Are wondering how employment lawyers in Toronto can help you resolve a workplace dispute? Well, in this 3-part blog series, we cover the 15 most common workplace