When dealing with wrongful dismissal claims, the typical issue is an employer who terminates an employee's job without cause and fails to provide them with an appropriate severance package. However, a common issue resulting in a wrongful dismissal claim or an employee negotiating a severance package
Are Workplace Dress Codes Legal in Ontario?
Workplace Dress Codes are Legal - With Some Caveats In assisting employers operating in many different types of industries - from small medical offices to much larger companies - we are often asked to help prepare an employee manual or employee handbook. Quite often, one of the first topics
Top Tips to Negotiate the Best Severance Package in Ontario Wrongful Dismissal Cases
Don't Leave Money on the Table: Top Tips to Negotiate the Best Severance Package When an employer offers a wrongfully terminated employee a severance package, it is usually not done out of the sheer goodness on the employer's part, but rather because the wants something in return to protect its own
Looking for an Employment Lawyer? Top Reasons Why Employees Need Assistance
Reasons for Employees to be Looking for an Employment Lawyer in Ontario In any workplace, there are often myriad number of issues or disputes that could take place between employers and their employees where the guidance of a top employment lawyer in Ontario will be helpful. If you are an employee
Non-Solicitation and Non-Disclosure Agreements in Wrongful Dismissal Claims
Workplace Secrets and Stealing Clients? Understanding Non-Solicitation and Confidentiality Clauses in Severance Packages So, your employer informed you that it decided to terminate your employment and, to resolve a wrongful dismissal claim, offered you a hefty severance package. While the cash
What Does an Employee’s “Duty to Mitigate” Mean in Ontario Employment Law?
What Employee's Should Keep in Mind: Understanding the Duty to Mitigate Contract to misconceptions, even after a wrongful dismissal, the story does not end there when it comes to the employment relationship, as employees still have a duty to mitigate. Imagine this: your employer wrongfully
How to Deal with a Wrongful Dismissal in Ontario
What Employees Should Know in How to Deal with a Wrongful Dismissal In Ontario, employment law is always changing and a generally difficult area, which can often leave employees (and their employers) feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about their rights and obligations. While the starting point is
What Happens if there is an Early Termination of Fixed-Term Employment Contact in Ontario?
In Ontario, there are a few main types of employment contracts, each with its own characteristics and legal implications, especially upon early termination of the employment contract. Indefinite-duration Employment Contracts These are the most common type of employment contracts in Ontario