Under Ontario employment law, an employer may be permitted to make some changes to the terms and conditions of an employee's job in certain circumstances. if there is an employment contract with an explicit term stating the employee authorizes the employer to make reasonable and necessary
Changing Employment Contracts in Ontario
The world of work is dynamic. Businesses evolve, and sometimes, an employee's role needs to adapt as well. This can necessitate an employer to think about changing an employment contract. At other times, business businesses feel the need to ask employee's to sign a new employment contract in order
How Can Employers and Employees Avoid Workplace Disputes and Litigation in Ontario?
Keeping the Peace: How Employers and Employees Can Avoid Workplace Disputes A safe and healthy work environment benefits everyone. In fact, it is even the law in Ontario in some respects, particularly workplace disputes involving bullying and harassment. But the reality is, misunderstandings and
Looking for an Employment Lawyer? How to Find the Right Employment Lawyer in Ontario
Looking for an experienced employment lawyer in Ontario when facing a workplace dispute can be stressful and confusing. Whether you are dealing with a wrongful dismissal claim, a constructive dismissal scenario, workplace harassment or discrimination, reviewing a new employment contract, or any
What do I Need to Know about My Employment Contract?
Understanding Employment Contracts In Ontario An employment contract is a critical legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of the employer-employee relationship. When there is a workplace dispute, this is usually one of the first places an employment contract lawyer will review to
Understanding Ontario Workplace Law: Basic Elements
What is Ontario Workplace Law? In simple terms, the term "workplace law" refers to the labyrinth of employment-related statutes and regulations (written legislation), caselaw (court decisions in previous employment disputes that become binding legal rules and principles), and employment contracts.
Does Your Employer Benefit From Your Own Ideas? Understanding Intellectual Property Law in Canadian Employment Law
The world of intellectual property can be complex, especially when navigating its role within the employment landscape. As an employee in Canada, you might come up with brilliant ideas, inventions, or creative works during your course of employment. But who will ultimately own the rights to those
Wrongful Dismissals in Ontario: How to Navigate a Severance Package
Being let go from your job can be a shock, especially if you feel that your termination was unjust or without cause. In Ontario, wrongful dismissal – when an employer terminates your employment without reasonable notice or justification – can leave you feeling both emotionally and financially