Employee, Independent Contractor... or Dependent Contractor? In the area of employment law, some of the most common disputes employment lawyers deal with often involve debating legal rules that are constantly changing as a result of conflicting court decisions. The main reason for this is because
Constructive Dismissal of Employees in Ontario: What is It? What Are Some Examples?
What is a Constructive Dismissal in Ontario? In employment law, a "constructive dismissal" means that an employer has acted in such a manner that it has essentially refused to perform its obligations under its employment contract with an employee. In other words, a constructive dismissal occurs
When is a Temporary Layoff Allowed? When is it a Constructive Dismissal?
Amid the COVID-19 pandemic and the significant economic disruptions on businesses across Canada, many employees were either terminated from their employment, or were placed on "temporary layoff" by their employers. While it may seem reasonable for employers to ask their employees to stay home while