Recently, an Ontario court continued the string of court decisions that build on a common theme post-COVID-19 pandemic for constructive dismissal lawyers: awarding a wrongfully terminated employee additional reasonable notice of termination (or pay in lieu of notice) in has been known as
Top Tips to Negotiate the Best Severance Package in Ontario Wrongful Dismissal Cases
Don't Leave Money on the Table: Top Tips to Negotiate the Best Severance Package When an employer offers a wrongfully terminated employee a severance package, it is usually not done out of the sheer goodness on the employer's part, but rather because the wants something in return to protect its own
Looking for an Employment Lawyer? Top Reasons Why Employees Need Assistance
Reasons for Employees to be Looking for an Employment Lawyer in Ontario In any workplace, there are often myriad number of issues or disputes that could take place between employers and their employees where the guidance of a top employment lawyer in Ontario will be helpful. If you are an employee
Temporary Layoff? Is Employee’s Silence a Tacit Agreement to a Constructive Dismissal? Court Says “No”
Ontario Court of Appeal Says Silence Does Not Equal Condonation for Temporary Layoff In Ontario, many employment lawyers guide both employees and employers with issues of unpaid temporary layoffs, which is a sensitive topic - and rightfully so. Quite often, we find that employers mistakenly
Constructive Dismissal Claims in Ontario Employment Law
In employment law, employees facing a significant change to their job may be able to pursue a constructive dismissal claim against their employer. How does an employee succeed on a constructive dismissal claim? The Supreme Court of Canada in a case called Potter v. New Brunswick Legal Aid
Is a Pay Cut a Constructive Dismissal?
What is a Constructive Dismissal in Ontario Employment Law? A constructive dismissal claim occurs when an employee complains about a significant unilateral change made by an employer to the terms and conditions of their employment contract. Specifically, it involves an employee arguing that an
Experiencing Change to Your Job at Work? Employee Tips on How to Manage
Can an Employer Make Changes to Your Job? Generally speaking, an employer in Ontario cannot make significant negative changes to an employee’s terms or conditions of employment without their consent or permission. However, one key exception could be if the employee has signed a legally
What Do I Do if I Was Constructively Dismissed by My Employer?
Constructive Dismissal in Ontario Employment Law Many of us have heard of a "constructive dismissal". Quite often, we receive calls from employees inquiring about whether they have a valid constructive dismissal case. In fact, sometimes the employees are adamant that they want to sue their employer