Starting a New Job after Termination: Implications for Severance Package Negotiations and Wrongful Dismissal Claims When an employee faces a wrongfully dismissal or constructively dismissal by their employer, the subsequent search for new employment can significantly impact the outcome of any
Negotiate Severance Package in Ontario
How to Negotiate the Best Severance Package in Ontario When an employee in Ontario finds themselves without a job after a wrongful termination of employment, the most important thing to do is to speak with an experienced employment lawyer with expertise in a range of employment disputes. Among many
Why Employees Should See an Employment Lawyer After Termination of Employment
Why Employees Should See an Employment Lawyer After Termination, Not the Ministry of Labour Being terminated from a job is a stressful and often confusing experience. You may feel overwhelmed and unsure of your next steps. While it may natural to seek help, it is crucial to understand the
What Should I Do if I Have a Wrongful Dismissal Claim?
What Should I Do if I am Wrongfully Fired? Being fired from a job is never easy, but being wrongfully fired can be even more devastating. If you believe your termination was unfair or unjust, you are not alone. Many employees find themselves in this situation. This guide will help you understand
How Can a Reprisal and Termination of Employment be Connected?
Understanding Reprisal and Termination of Employment in Ontario's Workplaces Ontario's employment law safeguard employees from unfair treatment in the workplace, including termination of employment. In fact, a few of the primary areas that protect employees are unlawful reprisal, wrongful dismissal
What Job Changes Cause a Constructive Dismissal?
Under Ontario employment law, an employer may be permitted to make some changes to the terms and conditions of an employee's job in certain circumstances. if there is an employment contract with an explicit term stating the employee authorizes the employer to make reasonable and necessary
Are Deceased Employees Entitled to a Severance Package for Wrongful Dismissal in Ontario?
Dealing with employment issues after the passing of an employee can be challenging and emotionally difficult for most employers. However, it is important to understand what an employer's obligations under Ontario employment law to an employee’s estate upon termination of employment. This article
What Happens after an Employee is Terminated from Employment?
Employee Rights and Obligations Upon Termination of Employment Just like employers, employees have legal rights and responsibilities after they have departed from their job, regardless of whether they leave because of wrongful dismissal, resignation or frustration of employment. There are many